We created Wild&Slow in 2020, with a deep belief: changing communication is helping to change the world. Because agencies have a real environmental impact by influencing consumption patterns and social representations. Because we can promote a more sustainable model of life while being exemplary. And finally, because we can sustain a communication agency while contributing to the development of its teams.
This report lists the various environmental and social commitments of our company.
Proof of the consistency and excellence of our CSR approach, these commitments have enabled us to be certified on the ISO 26000 standard by Agence Lucie with a score of 813/1000.
1. Our CSR approach is integrated into our Global strategy.
- The overall strategy and mission of the organization has been written since the first months following the creation of the company: to participate in useful and positive communication.
In one sentence: helping Slow brands reveal their Wild side to become better than fast and furious brands.
- This strategy integrates social, societal and environmental objectives, and is essentially defined on two axes:
- Commit to using our power to influence to inspire positive change, make virtuous behaviors and purchases more desirable, and not support the lawless promotion of climate-conflicting or immoral activities, if not in a sincere and profound process of change.
- Create a healthy corporate climate in an industry where employee abuse is known
This strategy guarantees our stakeholders that Wild&Slow’s turnover is not based on social and/or environmental mistreatment.
- An annual report called Client Disclosure Report, which publicly reveals the structure of the company’s turnover and its collaboration policy.
- The strategy is public and accessible to all our stakeholders. The values of the company are communicated in the job interview, our report is an element systematically present on our commercial offers.
- The elements are transmitted and reminded to prospects coming from sectors with climate conflict who contact us, which allows us to explain to them why we cannot, in certain cases, work with them.
2. We respect the dignity and fundamental rights of individuals.
- In a sector that is highly exposed to exceeding limits (between 2020 and 2022, BTA claims over 100,000 testimonies of harassment in advertising in France), we put human beings and their dignity first, both in terms of our internal teams and our external impact.
- Introduction of a company-wide anti-harassment charter in 2022, including the philosophy, compulsory posting, precise definition of harassment and full alert process including various contact points.
- We do not collaborate with Fast Fashion companies, in view of their frequent, documented and repeatedly denounced involvement in illegal child labor.
- The organization has an internal and external data protection policy. All sensitive internal data (administrative, HR data, etc.) is stored securely.
- We have made a strong choice on our website: it currently contains no cookies. Indeed, the only data collected by our website is that which you voluntarily and knowingly give us by filling in our newsletter registration form, or by filling in our contact form. The agency has also created 4 cookie-free customer sites.
3. We fight all forms of discrimination and promote equal opportunities
- Wild&Slow is committed to the long-term integration of all types of diversity within the agency. We promote equal opportunities and non-discrimination through concrete actions. For example, we are committed to mixed teams and equal treatment of people in comparable situations, based on the criteria listed in article 1132-1 of the French Labor Code (sex, disability, gender identity, economic situation, etc.). This led to the introduction of a Diversity Charter on 07/11/2022.
- When it comes to recruitment and career management, Wild&Slow does not discriminate between men and women in terms of salary or career development opportunities.
- In doing so, Wild&Slow undertakes to combat discrimination and promote diversity within its teams. There is a whistleblowing procedure, which is the same as for harassment. Our diversity charter also covers gender equality.
- As advertising can be a vehicle for stereotypes on a large scale, the agency applies a policy against stereotypes in its advertising creations. We apply the ARPP (Autorité de régulation professionnelle de l’ARPP) recommendation on Image and Respect for the individual.
- No gender pay gap
4. We develop responsible working conditions, quality of life at work and social dialogue
- We believe that work should be a source of personal fulfilment. In this respect, we attach a great deal of importance to working on meaningful projects. The agency’s choices in terms of positioning itself in favour of a positive economy enable this fulfilment.
- Wild&Slow favours stable employment. We do not use temporary or insecure work. 2022 and 2023: 100% permanent contracts (excluding apprenticeship contracts).
- Wild&Slow is committed to protecting the integrity of its employees, their capacity for initiative, their professional autonomy, their sense of responsibility and their motivation.
- We are putting in place measures to ensure personal and professional balance. As our business involves group work and concentration, we have introduced a teleworking charter. 100% of the team works from home 1 day a week.
- We adapt working hours to suit our employees’ personal constraints. The agency has taken steps to improve the work-life balance of its employees. Our days end early, at 5pm for most of our staff.
- The agency is committed to social dialogue. All types of information are covered: social aspects, governance, environment. All teams (including alternating and permanent employees) benefit from at least 2 professional interviews per year. The organisation and management rules are clear and in writing. Onboarding, processes, methodologies, charters, internal information and customer follow-up are all brought together in our Notion workspace. Every new employee receives an onboarding email a few days before they arrive. Memos are sent out to pass on important information.
- It is strategic for the company to guarantee good material conditions, comfort and well-being at work for all employees.
- We pay particular attention to the ergonomics of workstations. Each employee has a double screen, ergonomic chairs and an ergonomic mouse when required. Our new premises have been designed to be functional and pleasant to work in, with a large kitchen, meeting room, etc.
- The agency implemented its DUERP covering physical and social risks in June 2022. Once a year, the organisation checks that it complies fully with regulatory requirements.
- Based in Clisson and bringing in talent from Nantes, the agency takes the accessibility of its premises very seriously.
- The agency covers 100% of the cost of mutual insurance (as opposed to the mandatory 50%).
- Our salaries are based on documented, audited multi-criteria benchmarks.
- No work-related accidents recorded since the launch of Wild&Slow.
5. Thanks to eco-design, we reduce the environmental impact of the tools and campaigns we create for our customers.
- Wild&Slow has an eco-design philosophy for all its offerings. Without imposing it on our customers, we have systematised and standardised a web eco-design methodology and a print eco-design methodology.
- We offer our customers our expertise in eco-design of graphic guidelines. This enables them to minimise the environmental impact of their print projects, by controlling the inking rate, working in two-colour process, and using white in storytelling, etc.
- We offer our customers our expertise in Web eco-design and Green IT. We create eco-designed Wordpress websites that score between A and C on the Ecoindex (on an environmental scale that goes up to G). That’s 16% of our sales by 2022.
- We are committed to raising our customers’ awareness of the potential environmental impact of their communication strategies and tools.
- We are committed to hosting our customers’ websites on servers that are optimised in terms of energy consumption and ISO 14 0001 certified. To this end, we have set up a partnership with Infomaniak, one of Europe’s greenest web hosts, powered entirely by renewable energy and with a list of 20 commitments to limit its environmental footprint.
6. We minimise our consumption of resources.
- Since its creation, the agency has implemented an approach to minimise its environmental impact. We are talking about minimisation, not reduction, as the agency doubles the size of its business every year.
- 35 in total monthly charges (water, electricity, heating, internet) in 2022, which, for the whole agency, is barely the equivalent of a single person living in a flat.
- 100% of our computer equipment is reconditioned (Backmarket, Okamac). The computers are all Apple, renowned for their durability.
- We also regularly work with recycling centres (Label Emmaus, Récupérette, etc.) to buy certain supplies and furniture, and in the other direction to donate furniture to them.
- The premises are powered exclusively by low-carbon electricity. Automatic heating shut-off systems. Office lighting with class A low-energy LED bulbs. Double glazing. Recycling of ink/toner cartridges. Waste sorting: glass, paper, yellow bag, black bag. Composting at the branch. 100% paperless invoicing. 100% of printer paper purchased reconditioned.
- We have chosen to eco-design our websites: primitive.wildandslow.fr (Ecoindex B) and wildandslow.agency (Ecoindex C). What’s more, they are hosted on environmentally-friendly data centres. The hosting provider is ISO 27 0001 (information security management), ISO 14 001 (environmental management) and ISO 50 001 (energy management) certified.
- Our offices are strategically located just a 9-minute walk from Clisson station. Our aim is to encourage our staff to come to work by Ter. Currently, 100% of our teams use soft transport (mainly Ter, Nantes-Clisson journey time 16 minutes + walking time 9 minutes).
- The organisation formally prohibits air travel for journeys that can be made in less than 3 hours using alternative means (train, carpooling, car). Despite the fact that only 15% of sales are local (Pays de la Loire region), 80% national and 5% international. Less than 6,000 km in mileage costs per year. Plane: 1 one-way trip in 2022.
7. We develop ethical business relationships.
- Wild&Slow pays compensation for the property it acquires or enjoys. The transfer of copyright is regulated in our purchases from freelancers/partners. It is also managed with the agency’s teams, using author’s notes or work contracts. Wild&Slow pays compensation for the property it acquires or enjoys.
- Wild&Slow offers fair payment terms. As a result, we have never had to deal with debt collection. Our partners are too important to us.
- The organisation has a responsible purchasing and partnerships policy that incorporates environmental criteria to favour the most environmentally-friendly suppliers (sustainability criteria, environmental labels, suppliers’ environmental performance, etc.).
- We have the following requirements of our printing partners: a commitment to assess and reduce their environmental impact (ISO 14001 standard) and to assess and improve their social responsibility based on ISO 26000 (ECOVADIS or Lucie label). We only print on certified paper (FSC/PEFC, Ecolabel), but this is by no means exceptional. We prefer printers who use vegetable-based inks, without palm oil and with organic components. We encourage our customers to use traditional cold printing techniques such as screen printing or risography.
- We have chosen financial partners recognised for their responsibility. We are supported by the accounting firm Altercompta, which specialises in ecological and social transition. We have also chosen the new bank Shine, which is B-Corp certified.
- We have chosen to be a solid and exemplary partner in our relations with our most vulnerable partners, VSEs and freelancers. We don’t pass the buck to them, and we don’t impose a purchasing charter on them.
- Our offers are systematically detailed, with clear information on the agency, its commitments, the team, subcontracting, methodology, planning and budget.
- Confidentiality clause in employment contracts and clarification of the risks involved.
8. We respect the interests of consumers
- We are committed to responsible communication that does not convey stereotypes or messages that run counter to the common good. Our ethics are based on the Sustainable Development recommendations of the ARPP and the ADEME.
- The agency protects consumer health by refusing to work for sectors with a climate impact or controversial sectors (arms, tobacco, alcohol, pornography, gambling). In other words, we do not wish to participate in the promotion of alcohol, concrete, pesticides, etc. (the list is public on our website).
- After study and consultation with stakeholders, we refuse certain customers because they do not respect the interests of consumers. We keep written proof of our refusals.
- We create Accessible websites, using the reference system of the Blind of France.
9. We take part in initiatives of general interest
- The agency wants to make its services accessible, even to those who can’t afford them. To this end, we have introduced a pricing policy favourable to non-profit organisations, with a 15% discount for associations (2 clients have already benefited from this). In addition, we provide 2 skills sponsorship services a year for associations or public utility companies. Since 2023, we have been documenting and formalising these partnerships.
- Helping to raise public awareness by carrying out the Vitamines Sauvages eco-citizen campaign, on our own initiative and at our own expense.
- We are an active member of the mission committee of a company with a mission.
- Wild&Slow has been a shareholder in Team for the Planet since October 2020. This mission-driven company is raising €1 billion to create 100 businesses fighting global warming. Collectively, we have already financed many impact projects.
- We regularly contribute to and help schools. We have given a number of free lectures at Audencia SciencesCom, and helped with the Audencia Nantes admissions jury and the AGR Nantes Masters jury.