Our content branding agency helps you build strong connections with your community.
Showcasing your expertise, asserting your know-how, expanding your brand universe, uniting your teams, and securing an essential presence on the web: these are all outcomes you can expect from an effective Brand Content strategy. As an agency specializing in both French and international brands, from their inception to their daily engagement, Wild&Slow is committed to creating remarkable and lasting content that enriches your brand’s image. This is why we’ve developed a Brand Content approach that transcends the potentially fleeting nature of content.
That film that still sends shivers down your spine. That LinkedIn post that engaged tens of thousands of people last year. That brochure that has stood the test of time. That poster hanging in our offices. That series of inspiring articles that boosted your website’s SEO.
All these touchpoints are ways to consistently engage your audiences, whether internal or external. Trust us, your brand has true potential to tackle a variety of topics. It can do so with its own personality, and in a way that makes an impact.
Wild & slow,A socially responsible brand content agency!
- CSR: ISO 26 000 Certified Agency
- Responsible Communication
- Engaged Business Policy
While the idea is paramount, its execution is fundamental.
Wild&Slow supports advertisers eager to create Brand Content from strategic thinking to field deployment, including content media coverage.
After designing your films, articles, editorial projects, podcasts… we optimize production by sourcing local solutions (journalists, editors, authors, motion designers, directors, producers…), by developing eco-design approaches, and by defending your interests with complementary broadcasters. Likewise, we optimize the use of your budgets by streamlining your supports and by recycling your content (one content = multiple lives).
A Responsible Brand Content Approach
From fast to slow, from more to better, from intrusive to useful.
As a communication agency recognized for its responsibility and labeled for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on the ISO 26000 standard, we enable our clients to build effective content strategies while applying our framework for responsible communication:
– Contribute to editorial sobriety with content that is more useful and respectful to the audience.
– Consider audiences with disabilities.
– Eco-design productions (editorial eco-design, audiovisual production eco-design, responsible digital practice).
– Implement new metrics for analyzing sustainable performance.
Our work on branding projects
Brand movies
Content recycling
Brand Content
Eco-design editions
Project management
Motion design
Looking for a sustainable brand content agency ?
Our team of consultants will be delighted to assist you with your project or your issues.
Brand Content at Wild&Slow, a 4-Step Approach
1. Content Design:
We design unique, useful, and enduring content that will resonate with your targets and represent your brand personality in the most faithful way.
2. Brand Naming:
We are committed to operationally driving the production of your content. Content and form are inseparable. We operate in a collective of talents in this aspect to seek the best solutions within our ecosystem, and to guarantee a quality alignment between conception and production.
3. Content Distribution:
Posting in various forms, using the right subtleties, breaking down a subject into multiple formats to optimize and make the investment of time & cost profitable… Today, distributing content to the right people, in the right place, and at the right time is an art, one that we have been practicing for many years.
4. Content Mediation:
In addition, we use the media ecosystem to offer you the best variations and distribution options.